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Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

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A friend of mine sent me the following story and granted me permission to share it. Following her story is my response. I hope you enjoy reading it and feel free to send me Biblical questions any time!


So something happened to me yesterday that I don't know how to answer. A lady and her teenage son and I were talking about what came first, the chicken or the egg. The son said the egg (because over thousands and thousands of years it kept developing into an egg). The mom said: now son, you are talking about evolution. I said I don't believe in that and the chicken was first. My reasoning was that God created all the animals in the beginning, so the chicken had to be there first before laying an egg. The mother said that people don't realize that both can exist. The family goes to church and the son even told me he believes in God, but also in the evolution theory. The mom’s reasoning was that God created all the animals and, through evolution, some are laying eggs, some are swimming in the sea, some are flying, etc. I didn't quite get her reasoning and told her that I believe God created EVERYTHING in the way HE wanted it to be: swimming in the sea, flying, or laying eggs. So the mom went on and on about it, that people just don't want to see that God's creation can go hand-in-hand with evolution. I didn't know what to say to this, so I just started praying for the right words… we [became] too busy to talk. After the rush died down, we talked about other stuff.

So my question is: How could I have handled this maybe better? What could I have said? Or did I act correctly? What would have been your response to this? They told me they go to church and are believers, but how can you stand on both sides, God's creation and evolution? Is that even possible?


What a great experience you had! Since you felt stumped, it may have been God's challenge to YOUR theology rather than HERS... or BOTH.

Please understand that Evolution is an indefensible theory that has been forced into public schools. Christians who are not prepared to defend their faith will be shaken by scientific evidence misapplied to support evolution because they don't know any better. They say, "The Bible says it and that makes it good enough for me," UNTIL someone confronts them with evidence that they cannot ignore. Then, they have to compromise their beliefs, study until they find the truth, or continue showing the world how ignorant they are by refusing to consider credible alternatives.

It sounds like the lady you met chose to compromise her beliefs by saying God created the earth by using evolution. That is a popular theory because it MAKES SENSE, but ideas making sense is NOT evidence.

However, you may be compromising your beliefs too by saying that you believe that God created everything the way HE wanted it to be. That MAKES SENSE to you, but there is no evidence. I'm not judging you. You raise questions that I have been struggling with this year too.

Below are 3 points that I wish to discuss.


God created everything Everything has an origin

God created mankind There is no "missing link"

Each kind of animal on Ark Animals "adapt" but do not "evolve"

"Everything has an origin." In order for a "constant universe" to exist, 1 of 2 laws of nature must be violated. (1) Something cannot come from nothing. So, in the evolution theory, everything evolves from something else: our planets evolved from an explosion of the sun or from gases exploding and the sun and universe evolved from vapors of gas. Evolutionists don't know where the gases come from, so they guess that the universe has always existed. But this violates another law of nature. (2) The universe is expanding. If we rewind the universe backwards in time, then there would have to be a point of origin for everything. We call this creation. They call this the Big Bang, in which an "unknown" explosion set things into motion.

"There is no missing link." Evolutionist claim that life evolved like a tree that has many branches and that all animals and humans came from the same tree trunk billions of years ago. They say that they will prove evolution when they find the missing link between apes and men. However, not only is that link missing, but every link between every species is missing! There is NO evidence to support evolution, this is why it is still largely taught as "The Theory of Evolution." There are many problems that evolutionists have yet to overcome. There are bones of modern species buried alongside the bones of species believed to have been extinct millions of years ago. They also claim that dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, but we have discovered dinosaur tissue with residual DNA that could not be more than five thousand years old.

"Animals adapt but do not evolve." As stated above, there is no evidence to support that proteins evolved into a frog or a frog evolved into a beaver or a beaver evolved into an ape and then into a man. However, recent scientific discoveries show that animals that were once thought to have evolved into new species did not, but merely adapted for their environment. There is a distinct scientific explanation that I do not understand, but basically, we are discovering that many animals have coding in their DNA that instructs the body to change. This coding already existed, so the animals did not evolve at all, they simply adapted. For example, a Starfish and a Sea Cucumber were the same animal that adapted differently. Although they appear extremely different, they are practically genetically identical.

I recommend two video resources to learn more:

1. Is Genesis History? - Available on Netflix

2. The Case for a Creator – DVD by Lee Strobel

One last SHOCK I want to throw at you. The earth and universe may be billions of years old! Does that mean the Bible is false? No. It means our understanding of the Bible may need adjusted. The question becomes, are the six days of creation 6 - 24 hour periods? Many believers say yes, but without any scientific evidence. Many believers say no, but without a solid explanation of how the 6 days of creation are correctly interpreted. There exist documents in which early church fathers wrote down the mystery behind the age of the earth. Some church leaders and writers back then appear to have believed the earth and universe to be much older than Adam and Eve. I am still studying and have not come to a personal conclusion on the age of the earth.

I also should have told you good job. You opened dialogue, spoke your mind, and listened to their beliefs. Keep up the good work!


22 August 2017

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