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23 Idle Phrases of '23

I’m surprised at the number of times that Christians in positions of authority and influence say things that are either unsupportable, empty of meaning, or simply wrong. Almost as bad as the content is the absolute way with which we often phrase our proclamations as if to say that other viewpoints are not welcome. Jesus said, “But I tell you that for every careless word that people speak, they will give an account of it on the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt. 12:36-37, NASB).

Without getting too high upon my pedestal, let me briefly explain the following list. After hearing so many ridiculous statements, I began writing some down. These are twenty-three sayings that I personally heard on Christian radio stations by pastors, professors, authors, organizational presidents, famous musicians, and the like. None of these lines are from average people calling into the station. While some of these sayings are relatable to some people, stating them broadly as facts is foolish. Some of these claims are unknowable, spoken so poetically or righteously that on the surface they sound good, but a little thought shows that they are indefensible and often unhelpful. Other statements are just bad theology. Please note that I did not remove these lines from the context of the speakers’ themes. It is not my goal to misrepresent their intentions.

I struggled on whether or not I should offer my opinion on why each saying is misleading or fruitless but decided not to comment in order that readers may judge for themselves. If you disagree with my criticism on any of these lines, ask yourself, “How do they know?” or "What is their biblical basis for claiming this?"

1. Art is so important because that’s the way God made us.

2. The Bible says that demons need a host, a vehicle in which to express themselves.

3. We do more of everything else than pray.

4. There is an intimacy with God that can only be experienced through suffering.

5. One of the most important things a parent can do is tell their children that they’re not an accident.

6. Jesus had lots of conversations with the Father before adding flesh.

7. There’s nothing more contrary to the New Testament than thinking that giving is only for the rich.

8. Jesus said, “I have a plan: if you die before the Rapture, you’ll be resurrected.”

9. The Father says, “My Son needs a companion on the throne [and it is the church].”

10. The tribulation will be a whole different place because people who get saved will be killed.

11. The way the Bible explains the triune God is that there is one God with three essences.

12. When you’re resurrected, you will be the same race, the same gender, perfect, the perfect age, with no flaws.

13. Jesus is waiting to return until He has the strategic advantage to crush the enemy.

14. If Mary had been pregnant with Jesus by a man, then Jesus would have been born with sin. That is why he was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit.

15. There was a lady who survived an earthquake, and I know why she survived. Out of fifty pictures hanging on her walls, all fell off except the one of the Lord.

16. My opinion is that the Holy Spirit will no longer indwell believers when they die. There will be no need for the Holy Spirit since believers will be with the Father.

17. As we lean closer to the heart of Jesus, we stop resisting prayer.

18. Jesus doesn’t call Mary “mother.” He calls her “woman.” Why? Because he wants to sever that bond to signify that he has a divine origin.

19. Demons, throughout all the countries, are much more dangerous than we, who are in this room, know.

20. [In the parable of the Good Samaritan,] Jesus is not talking about choosing to help others but to have an uncontrollable emotion to help others.

21. Rap music is dedicated to snaring your kids as young as possible.

22. The Old Testament angel of the Lord that appeared to Haggar, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, the Exodus Israelites, and Manoah is higher than Gabriel and Michael and is the manifestation of God.

23. Those Christians who serve Christ consistently will become celebrities in heaven. Everyone else will recognize and admire them.

November 30, 2023


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